Platte Canyon High School

Mathematics and Science



Algebra 3 Syllabus                                     Instructor:  Mr. Gumm

     Welcome to Algebra III.  This syllabus will explain to you what to expect in this course.  Students and parents should read and understand this syllabus, and return it signed by Thursday 2-5-01.

     The goal of Algebra III is to give students the knowledge to solve algebraic problems and situations as set forth by the Colorado Department of Education Standards and to solve everyday problems in an efficient algebraic manner.  The Algebra III class will help students prepare for their future math classes and related classes.

     MATERIALS:  Algebra III will be difficult enough…not being prepared DAILY will make much more difficult.  Each student must bring the following materials EACH DAY OF CLASS:  3-ring notebook, sharpened pencils, notebook paper, and a calculator (scientific required for general use or optional graphing calculator).  I strongly recommend purchasing your own graphing calculator for extra practice at home.  The math department may be able to purchase them for you at a group discount rate if you are interested.  I will let you know the price and deadline for money if this is possible.

     Tardiness and attendance will follow the district policy.  Work must be made up in the same amount of time the student was gone.

     GRADES:  The grading system will be based on a point system.  Notebooks will be checked as necessary for completeness and organization, class work and homework will be graded as 20% of the grade, (Note class work is due at the end of class, homework will be due at the start of class the following day, if homework is one day late it will count as 50%, if it is received later than one day it will not count for a grade).  Quizzes and tests will be graded as 40% of the grade and given as required.  The midterm and final test will count as a total of 40% of the class grade.

     If you need to reach me I can be contacted daily at the school, the local phone number is 303-838-4642 ext 231.

     Thank you for your time reading this syllabus.  






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